Tailor marketing to dealer types with flagship credit acceptance

subprime financier Accepting Flagship Credits tailor it marketing strategy In order to maintain a strong relationship in the market competition and make the dealer’s job easier, we have moved to the dealer type.

Lenders should consider the dealer’s personality when choosing how to market their products to each dealer they partner with. Heidi Barnessaid at the recent Auto Finance Summit East 2023 in Nashville, Tennessee.

“For dealers, there is no one-size-fits-all,” Burns says. “There are large national dealer groups. There are small franchise groups. There are independent people. There are larger independent people. So what matters to them is different, and it’s all market-driven and based on the type of dealer you’re dealing with.”

Fast Funding, First Click

Flagship store based in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania The company personalizes its marketing approach to each type of dealer it works with to meet each dealer’s needs, she said.

“We know our primary role in flagships is to make life easier for dealers,” Barnes said. “We work in a non-prime space, so it’s important to us that quick funding And we figured out how to minimize headaches for dealers and put us in the best position in their minds to be the first click. ”

He said financiers are in “constant” communication with dealers through emails, faxes and creating content for sales groups.

“We market [dealers] Barnes said investors are constantly comparing marketing strategies to see what dealers respond to and what doesn’t.

Some financiers still rely on giving dealers extra money as a marketing strategy, but that’s outdated, she said.

“It’s an old idea. It doesn’t matter to dealers,” Barnes said. “Individual dealers may be, but dealers as a whole are not. Make their lives easier, fund them quickly…and you are doing your job.”

ofBig Wheel Auto Finance Data 2023 Reportis the only summary table currently available for the top 200 auto finance companies by balance.

https://ift.tt/f4Ro2Ni Tailor marketing to dealer types with flagship credit acceptance

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