Faster and lower cost interconnection by combining ERCOT, MISO and PJM approaches – pv Magazine USA
While the ERCOT approach will enable interconnection in a couple of years, recent regional transmission plans by MISO and PJM have found ways to reduce costs by interconnecting 53GW and 75GW of renewable energy, respectively.
June 29, 2022
The PJM is more than twice as large as the ERCOT, but the “surprising point” of the renewable energy generation capacity added across the US grid region last year is that the ERCOT interconnected approximately 6,000 MW of renewable energy. In contrast, the PJM interconnected only about 2,000 MW, “said Johannes Pfeifenberger, Principal of The Brattle Group. presentation..
The ERCOT process is “much faster than some other processes,” said Pfeiffenberger. Most US grid operators.
The UK generator interconnect process only considers local upgrades necessary to make the injection point “sufficiently robust”, and network constraints and congestion are “congestion management, reduction, network if planned”. It is processed through operational management processes such as upgrades. On a regional basis. “
ERCOT manages network constraints through market dispatch, Pfeiffenberger said, “high congestion and reduction risk for interconnect generators, partly due to” ERCOT’s inadequate aggressive grid planning. ” Imposing. “
He believes that “generator interconnections that are more focused on local needs are more timely and cost effective when combined with aggressive local transmission plans.”
To illustrate that point, Pfeifenberger has shown two examples from the MISO and PJM grid areas. MISO has proposed a $ 10 billion portfolio of six transmission projects that support 53 GW of renewable energy interconnects and reduce other costs by $ 3.7-68 billion. PJM has identified a $ 3.2 billion upgrade to support the interconnection of 75 GW of offshore wind, or just $ 40 / kW. This is compared to the $ 6.4 billion PJM cost previously identified in the 15GW offshore wind incremental upgrade.
“… It can significantly speed up the generator interconnect process,” says Pfeiffenberger, by actively working on local transmission plans.
By the way, the Mid-Atlantic and northeastern regions are “significantly behind in terms of renewable energy demand and project development,” he said. Citing a report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, he said the two regions have a large gap between renewable energy projects in the advanced stages of development and the state’s renewable energy targets in those regions. Said.
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