ZeroSum Market First Report: March 2022 Car Inventory Data and Sales Forecast-Dealer Operations

In the United States, high inflation, rising fuel prices, and the prospect of rising interest rates can affect consumer behavior, and shoppers may consider more fuel-efficient or electric vehicles.

Image: ZeroSum

Grand Rapids, Michigan – ZeroSum The Market First Report is the first source of information in the automotive industry to predict vehicle movement at the end of the month, providing important supply and demand trend data for automotive marketers and dealers. ZeroSum uses predictive modeling to accurately estimate new car inventories, price trends, and market share.

ZeroSum’s view: what you need to know

Supply chain constraints contribute to inventory shortages. Many brands found a way to raise inventory levels in March 2022, as shown below. Current events in Ukraine could further constrain the supply chains of European automakers and further constrain the capabilities of these brands. Supply to the American market. In the United States, high inflation, rising fuel prices, and the prospect of rising interest rates can affect consumer behavior, and shoppers may consider more fuel-efficient or electric vehicles.

The important points are as follows.

  • Dealers with increasing levels of new inventory need to take advantage of their position to maximize unit sales and gain market share.
  • Dealers with increased inventories should also look to competitive pricing as consumers find more options in the market.
  • The price of used cars continues to rise. For dealers, this means that the ability to stock and move used inventory in demand remains an important strategy for attracting consumers and maintaining overall total sales.
  • In addition, with the increase in inventory-based marketing through tools such as: Google Vehicle AdsDealers can now dynamically sell new and used inventory to consumers on the market much more efficiently and dynamically in real time.

To read the complete Zero Sum Market First Report, which includes end-of-month inventory data, pricing, sales forecasts, and supplemental infographics, visit:

Originally posted P & A magazine ZeroSum Market First Report: March 2022 Car Inventory Data and Sales Forecast-Dealer Operations

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