
Can I leave the gauge cluster as is?

don’t follow Tesla took the lead and eliminated Gage Cluster. It might be too late, but I’ll say it anyway. of Blame it on the cute 2025 Volvo EX30 Because it needs to be said. I really like most things about his EX30 and his cost-conscious approach to luxury EVs. but, volvo I removed the gauge cluster, which is one step too much to reduce costs. Of course, centrally mounted instruments are nothing new, but Tesla popularized the idea of ​​getting rid of the cluster entirely years ago. model 3 and Model Y . He didn’t like the idea when he first saw it, and his discomfort with driving around a car without clusters was confirmed when he saw it. drove a model 3 first time. There are many reasons, but at the end of the day, it’s important to have the most important information in your direct line of sight. The move to EV allows me to eliminate certain monitoring gauges in the cluster, but basic information like speed, gear position, headlight status, cruise control and range are all

NIO Announces Investment Support from CYVN Holdings

Shanghai (Gasgoo)- NIO Inc., a Chinese pioneer in the premium smart electric vehicle market, today reached a share subscription agreement with its principal investment company, CYVN Holdings LLC (“Investor” or “CYVN Holdings”). announced that it did. The Abu Dhabi government is focused on advanced smart mobility. Under the terms of the agreement, investors will invest a total of US$738.5 million in cash to subscribe to 84,695,543 newly issued Class A common shares of NIO at a purchase price of US$8.72 per share. This price represents the volume-weighted average price of Class A common stock on the New York Stock Exchange for seven consecutive business days ending June 19, 2023 (the “Investment Trade”). NIO ET5; photo credit: NIO The investment transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to close in early July 2023. As part of the agreement, the investor promised not to sell, transfer or dispose of the shares acquired in the investment transaction for a

Intel Invests $33 Billion in Landmark Expansion in Germany

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Monday that Intel will invest more than 30 billion euros ($33 billion) in developing two chip manufacturing plants in Magdeburg as part of its expansion in Europe. Praised for foreign investment. The city of Berlin has agreed nearly €10 billion in subsidies with U.S. semiconductor makers, which it initially offered Intel to build two state-of-the-art facilities in the eastern city, according to people familiar with the matter. more than €6.8 billion. Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger urges the government and the state of Saxony-Anhalt, where Magdeburg is located, to “realize the vision of a vibrant, sustainable and cutting-edge semiconductor industry in Germany and the EU”. said he was grateful for that. Under Gelsinger, Intel has invested billions of dollars in building factories across three continents to regain its edge in chip manufacturing and better compete with rivals AMD, Nvidia and Samsung. “Today’s agreement is an important step for Germany as

Teaser: Cadillac Escalade IQ Revealed

The Escalade IQ will feature the illuminated grille and emblem found on other Cadillac EVs. Lyric . The narrow vertical LED DRL is also taken from the crossover, but scaled up to fit larger SUVs. There wasn’t much of the rear in the teaser video, other than a third brake light in the spoiler, an Escalade IQ emblem, and now another illuminated Cadillac logo on the tailgate. The wheel design also appeared briefly in the video, but it is an elaborate design. The Escalade IQ’s interior is intentionally hidden, but keen observers may notice what appears to be a panoramic sunroof and a giant curved screen that stretches across the dashboard. Teaser: Cadillac Escalade IQ Revealed Auto Updates

Renault Rafale aiming for new horizons

Luca de Meo, CEO of the Renault Group, Fabrice Cambolieve, CEO of the Renault brand, and all the employees of the brand, at Le Bourget to unveil the new Renault Rafale on June 18th at 7pm. We invite you to the Paris Air Show. The all-new Renault Rafale is the flagship of the Renault range. Strengthen Renault’s offensive in the D segment with an SUV coupe body type. The all-new Renault Rafale evokes a vision of performance, audacity, excitement and style. The new Renault Rafale will make its world premiere at the brand’s booth at the Paris Air Show from June 19th to 25th. Renault’s booth will also pay tribute to Renault’s aviation sector. sauce: renault group Renault Rafale aiming for new horizons Auto Updates

1992 レクサス SC400 が大きな出発を果たした

1991年6月号より 車とドライバー。 新しいレクサス SC400 クーペは、超強度タイレノールのカプレットのように丸みがあり、滑りやすく滑らかです。 大きな違いは、この赤ちゃんは頭痛を引き起こすということです。 あなたの家の支払いや子供の新しい靴が、メルセデス・ベンツ、BMW、キャデラック、リンカーンなどの自動車の売り上げに何らかの形で依存していると想像してみてください。 レクサス ブランドは、ディスカウント ホープ ダイヤモンドのように顧客を魅了する 4 ドアの LS400 で、すでにあなたの肉汁をすくい取っています。 しかし、それは 4 ドア市場に限った話です。 クーペの顧客はまだいます。 彼らはレジャースーツを着ているのと同じように、4ドアを着ているように見えません。 しかし、驚くべきことに、ドアの数が半分のセダンに相当する合成クーペを見せると、小切手を切ることができます。 それが機能する限り、かなり気の利いた戦略です。 子供たちをケッズに閉じ込めるために合成クーペに依存している場合、顧客が 4 ドア市場で間違いのないブランド、レクサスのこの本物のクーペを見るとすぐに、片頭痛が始まります。 これは改造セダンではないからです。 それはまったく新しい外観、新しいサスペンション、そして新しい個性を備えた新しい車です。 SC400 クーペと LS400 セダンのほぼすべての共通点は、誰もがすでに愛している、非常にスムーズで強力な 4 カム、32 バルブ V-8 エンジンです。 レポ担当者がソニーを取りに来て、子供たちを残してしまうのではないかと心配になり始めた セサミストリート ? さて、次のニュースは役に立ちません。 レクサスの社長、J・デイビス・イリングワース氏は、「我々は顧客の立場に応じてこの車の価格を設定するつもりだ」と語った。 平たく言えば、アイロンを動かすのに十分な低さのウィンドウステッカーを意味します。 合成クーペメーカーは通常、セダンから 2 つのドアを取り除き、価格を上げることでそれを補っています。 レクサスは新たなレシピを開発し、セダンの基本価格4万285ドルを引き下げる。 他のブランドはどうやって競争できるのでしょうか? まず、彼らはトヨタと同じくらいビジネスに対して真剣でなければならないだろう。 世界第3位の自動車メーカーは、市

Mercedes-Benz Level 3 Drive Pilot launched amidst doubts

Uncertainty can cause problems for drivers. “We are concerned that drivers will not read the fine print and will end up in a situation where they genuinely believe it is safe to take their eyes off the road and pick up their cell phones or other devices,” Funkhauser said. there is,” he said. As lawmakers grow more concerned about drivers’ distractions, the question of what human drivers can and should do with their time is emerging. The answer may vary by state. Michigan enacted a law this month that makes it illegal for motorists to physically make and receive phone calls, text messages, and access, read, and post on social networking sites while driving. New York law, which is more stringent, prohibits drivers from taking their hands off the wheel. However, voice commands and hands-free mode are possible. “Congressmen are fighting hard to keep their attention and drive motivated,” said Jennifer Dukalski, an attorney specializing in vehicle safety and emerging technologies at But